Monday, October 1, 2012


Hey guys,

Remember the article the fictional Monopoly Club I wrote? Thanks to your overwhelming support on Facebook, I was voted the Most Liked Entry and I received a OMG! Guess what? free iPad 2 :) along with Nitesh and Avishek.

Here's me NOT being the biggest jackass extraordinaire ever(term credits: Sindhu) and thanking all you guys.


P.S: If you ever want a Like for something, do ask me. :)


Presenting Olivia Natacha, my new found craziest friend. Her reason for this really amazing picture is: Because, I don't wanna grow up! 

Stolen from her Facebook :)

the HKUST entries: ~ oppa live GREEN style ~

Whaddup bitches? :)

How are you guys? Hope you are having a great autumn and enjoying a much-appreciated long holiday(if you are in Hong Kong)

Since my English is still pretty rusty(I can't type a post without backspacing atleast a few million times), I'm going to do a visual post this time. Scroll down to see pictures of the Live Green LLC organized hike to Razor Hill :)

Ctrl+Alt+Del. Shut Down. :)

A really long shot at HKUST

A big huge bunch of housing blocks...Welcome to Po Lam, our promised Land...

Good old Terry Chan..Coordinator, Hall 6 guy to hang out. Corner of the picture you can see Monkey King.

Po Lam Revisited.

Po Lam Re-Revisited from a greater height.

HKUST & Shaw Center ~

Yours painstakingly...Still couldn't get rid of the Chinese eyes ;) #hatebeingphotographed

HKUST awww...
This is tough. I'm horrible at names. L to R. No idea, Elvis, No idea, No idea, No idea.

Equally clueless but for the handsome one second from left.

Hermann and everyone else :)

Long shot @ Sai Kung...You can see the boats in the distance

Hermann, our guiding light and inspiration-in-chief

You can see Polly, Mona hiding behind her and Terry.

On effin' top of the world...lalalala! You can see HKUST Atrium in the distance.

Sai Kung from the top 

Hermann and Elvis

Elvis and yours sincerely

Attempt 4. Decent picture AT LAST. If I'm in the mood, I can be more picky than Prasho in how I look.

Po Lam. Yam cha...!


Why I offered to take Alex's picture.

Wohooo...mission accomplished :) Welcome to Po Lam.

P.S: We missed you, Cho Kam Wa.

StumbleUpon link: Jason Mraz's I'm Yours

Belated Happy Zhong Qiu Festival.