Monday, September 8, 2014

shanghai OPEN


Here are the motions from the recently-concluded inaugural Shanghai International Debate Open. The Adj Core comprised of Zheng Bo, Mai Mokhsein, Chanel Chan and TJ.

Preliminary Rounds

1) This House regrets the celebritisation of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

2) This House supports a match-making industry where parents "shop" for the spouses of their children.

3) This House believes that governments should never pay ransom to terrorists for hostage taking.

4) This House would offer lighter sentences to criminals in exchange for information about crimes committed by their criminal syndicate.

5) This House believes that countries should be responsible for civil aviation tragedies that happen in their airspace.

6) This House would ban the use of civilian drones.

Knockout Rounds


You are a high school teacher in love with your 16-year old. She initiated and actively pursued the romance. You have, on several occasions, rejected her pursuit. This House, as the teacher, would date the student.


This House believes that the Police must not bear arms.


This House believes that the International Criminal Court should prosecute the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for hate crimes against Palestinians.

Adj-Core Favorite

The time now is 2016. In response to a failed attempt to assassinate Kim Jong Un, conducted by a retired South Korean marine, North Korea decided to declare war.

This House believes that the Chinese Government should join the war to support North Korea.